dog facts

Two golden retrievers sit beside a pond

Can Golden Retrievers live longer – New Gene variant discovered

olden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. But research shows they have up to a 65% chance of dying from cancer.  In a new study, University of California, Davis, researchers set out to find if certain genetic factors could help their survival rate. But instead of searching for genes associated with a

Can Golden Retrievers live longer – New Gene variant discovered Read More »

Samoyed puppy lying in grass

“Dogs Hear Us Even in Sleep – New Study Reveals”

Study Source: Event-related potentials indicate differential neural reactivity to species and valence information in vocal stimuli in sleeping dogs Most dogs respond in specific ways to certain voices and sounds whether it’s another dog, humans using certain tones of voice or other sounds in their environment. If you’re a dog owner, you can probably also

“Dogs Hear Us Even in Sleep – New Study Reveals” Read More »

Open jar of dog treats spilled onto the floor

Dogs(and wolves) can Remember where Treats and food are Hidden

Study Source: Plos One Researches in Austria looking at spatial observation in dogs and wolves discovered both will remember where food is stored but wolves are better at it for different reasons. Dogs and wolves appear to remember where people hide food, suggesting they are capable of a form of social learning known as observational

Dogs(and wolves) can Remember where Treats and food are Hidden Read More »

A white puppy gazing directly forward.

Dogs – A Proven Emotional lift to our spirits

If you’ve ever stared into your dog’s eyes and immediately felt better, there’s a scientific reason why and it has to do with a chemical called Oxytocin. Oxytocin – The happy hormone Oxytocin is a natural hormone that manages key aspects of the female and male reproductive systems, as well as aspects of human behaviour and

Dogs – A Proven Emotional lift to our spirits Read More »

dog sleeping in human bed, covered by blankets

IS it ok for your dog to sleep with you?

Go ahead and sleep with your dog—it’s perfectly safe, as long as you are both healthy. That might go against everything you’ve heard from growing up, your parents or even older dog training techniques. Sleep technology firm Simba recently partnered with animal behaviorist Professor Peter Neville to answer a question that dog owners have been wrestling with

IS it ok for your dog to sleep with you? Read More »

2 Golden retrievers sit beside each other with water in background

hundreds of golden retreivers turn out at Guisachan estate to celebrate 155 years of the breed.

In what could be described as a dog lover’s heaven, hundreds of golden retrievers turned out at Guisachan estate in Scotland where the breed originated. Celebrating 155 years Every 5 years, The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland organize a four-day anniversary event at the ruins of Guisachan(prounounced KUSH-igan) House, where the dogs were first bred. The

hundreds of golden retreivers turn out at Guisachan estate to celebrate 155 years of the breed. Read More »

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