dog facts

dog wearing medical detection dog vest sniffing a sample in laboratory

Can Dogs Smell Cancer in Humans? Medical research says yes

Canine cancer detection is an approach to early detection cancer screening that relies dog’s incredible olfactory(smell) receptors and research is continuing to prove their ability to detect certain types of cancer in humans. Research suggests that dogs can detect many types of cancers in humans. Like many other diseases, cancers leave specific traces, or odor signatures, in a person’s […]

Can Dogs Smell Cancer in Humans? Medical research says yes Read More »

a dog has a very disapproving look toward the camera

Can your Dog sense how smart you are? New study shows they might be able to

Female dogs judge human competence and are more likely to approach those who are able to accomplish tasks for them, according to a study from Kyoto University in Japan. In the study “Female dogs evaluate levels of competence in humans,” Japanese researchers examined how both male and female dogs reacted to “competent” and “incompetent” people

Can your Dog sense how smart you are? New study shows they might be able to Read More »

Samoyed with tongue out and eyes closed

How Dog’s Faces Have Evolved To Show Emotion – New Study

Dogs have more “fast-twitch” muscle fibres around their eyes and mouths than wolves do, which allows them to make more facial expressions, likely to communicate with humans better. The faces of dogs have evolved over tens of thousands of years to make them more appealing to humans, unlike the wild wolves they descended from, a

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Discover the Best in “award” Show: Palm Dog Awards at Cannes 2023 Celebrates Top Dogs

Beginning in 2001, The Palm Dog Award is a yearly alternative award presented by the international film critics during the Cannes Film Festival. The name of the award is a play on words of the Palme d’Or, the festival’s highest honor. Toby Rose – Founder Toby Rose worked as a cinema journalist for over two decades – after

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Painting of hooded man with 2 St. Bernard dogs on each side

St. Bernard De. Menthon’s and his Famous Dogs Who Saved Countless Lives In The Alps

St. Bernard de Menthon Born in(probably) the castle Menthon near Annecy, in Savoy and died in Novara, Italy 1081. He was descended from a rich, noble family and received a thorough education. He refused to enter a marriage proposed by his father and decided instead to devote himself to the service of the Church, placing

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cross section of dog's skull with brain and nasal cavities shown

New study looks at why dog brains are getting bigger

Dog brains are much smaller than wolf brains, but new research suggests modern breeding efforts have somewhat increased their relative size. Compared to ancient dogs, modern breeds that developed in the past 150 years possess larger skulls compared to their body size. Yet scientists still don’t know why. The research team found that dog brains

New study looks at why dog brains are getting bigger Read More »

a painting of a white dog with brown ears with head tilted, looking into a grammaphone

Why do dogs tilt their heads when they hear something?

Dogs commonly tilt their heads when they hear some noises or voices, but is it a sign of intelligence, or does it mean something else entirely? In a 2021 study in the journal Animal Cognition(opens in new tab), researchers in Hungary conducted the first scientific investigation of head-tilting in pooches. They found that dogs may incline

Why do dogs tilt their heads when they hear something? Read More »

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