Bring your dog to work Day – The pros and Cons

The first Friday after Father’s day is “Bring your dog to work” day and we’ve broken down the benefits of having your best friend work with you.

Though a dog-friendly workplace is still relatively rare, it’s gaining momentum and it’s clearly no longer an outlandish idea. From the years 2013 to 2018, there was a 3% increase of offices which allowed owners to their dogs to work going from 5% to 8%.

A small dog wearing glasses and a tie sits behind a desk
The CGBO – The Chief Good Boy Officer

Everyone here thinks its a non-starter to even consider not having dogs in the office(my house and my dogs) but there are some considerations to be looked at for normal office atmospheres.

The benefits

Increase in Morale

Studies have shown that dogs can help alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and isolation. Even if a colleague loves their job, everyone is bound to have a tough day. A wagging tail and smiling dog face is enough of a seratonin boost to turn around most bad days in the office.

Mixing up meetings

Are you tired of always grabbing coffee or lunch for a one-on-one meeting? Having an office dog will spice things up. Dogs need to be walked at least once or twice a day. You and your colleague can walk the dog around the block and get some exercise while discussing important matters.

Encourage Workplace Bonding

If multiple employees bring their pets to work, this could foster some friendships because it serves as an icebreaker, even in the biggest introverts. They could go on outings together to dog parks and dress their pets in matching outfits during special holidays. Though it may take some time for the dogs to get used to one another, there’s nothing cuter than dogs becoming best friends.

Exercise for employees

Since the dogs would need to be walked or at least go outside a couple of times a day, it’s a great opportunity to sneak in some wellness and physical activity into a normal workday.


The employees and dogs will both benefit from socializing together which boosts self confidence and gives a general feeling of positivity, even if small scuffles break out. There are a lot of lessons about dog behaviour which could be humanized into better interpersonal relationships, including conflict resolution, hierarchy rules, social responsibility and physical activity.

The disavantages

This is a 100% a dog site, so any disadvantages are dealt with from a completely biased perspective…there are some for the general population

Smells of a pup

A healthy dog will urinate at least once every 8 to 12 hours and poop once a day. But this could be more depending on the canine’s diet.  If you allow dogs at work, you will have to accept that there could be a time in which a pet will go to the bathroom in a common space and cause an inconvenience.


Especially compared to other pets, dogs can require a lot of attention. Anyone with a dog could tell you that when they don’t get enough of it, they can act out and cause a ruckus. Your colleague won’t have the time to constantly be attending to their dog’s needs —they will have meetings, projects, and general tasks. That means that some of your colleagues may have to pick up the slack. Is your entire workplace willing to do this?

Potential damage

Bringing a dog to a brand new environment comes with its own set of risks. According to the American Kennel Club, anxious dogs can engage in “destructive behavior.” And within the context of your workplace, that could very well mean property damage that’s costly and inconvenient. This goes double for puppies who are just learning how to behave properly.


A study conducted for the Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Research journal, found that 12% of Americans have some form of an allergy to dogs. While this is a minority of people, having a dog at work can be a significant inconvenience for them that will take away from their productivity and workplace happiness. Even if none of your current colleagues are allergic, having a dog-friendly workplace could potentially scare off people considering working for your company.

Tips For Having Dogs In the Workplace

Most CEOs, executives and human resource personnel are constantly looking for ways to improve the mood around the office. Talk your dog to work day is a potentially great way to let your employees relax the normal routine a little and enjoy a day with their pups.

For remote employees, it’s a great excuse to push some physical activity and designate a “Puppy hour” and have everyone get out for 30 to 60 mins, take a walk and grab a pup cup.

Benefits of Bringing Your Dog to Work by Steve l
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